Our WINSTARTS product drivers are updated on a monthly basis to ensure that the drivers you download from our official website are the latest drivers.

Attention of Thunderbolt™ 3 product users: Because Thunderbolt™ 3's product is aimed at different computer model, their drive is different; And we cannot know the computer brand you use, so the driver of Thunderbolt™ 3 products need you to go to your computer corresponding brand official website to download the driver of Thunderbolt™ 3. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience brought to you. Here we have sorted out some of the major computer brands corresponding official website download channels Download, I hope it will be helpful to you. The current lightning drive provided on our WINSTARS official website is only for the lightning port.

If you cannot find your product driver on WINSTARS's official website, please contact us: tech@win-star.com.

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home PC peripherals THUNDERBOLT™ 5